Social Media for Lawyers: Twitter Edition
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Here is what people have been saying about Social Media for Lawyers: Twitter Edition:
Adrian’s book is directed primarily to those in private practice. Still there is a wealth of information here that benefits us in-house counsel as well. As GC/VP of a $2B+ company, I use Twitter to keep abreast of legal trends and news. This book is filled with tips on building the right network for your needs.
-Richard Russeth General Counsel of Leprino Foods Company
Adrian Dayton makes Twitter easy. Let’s face it, most lawyers don’t like change. But the reality of Twitter is that it’s here to stay, and it’s an effective method of communication. If you’re not sure whether to take the plunge, give this a read. It will only take you an evening (or a short plane ride) and you will be convinced to give Twitter a try. I have just been tweeting for less than a week, and while I have much to learn I think I am hooked!
-Susan DiMickele Partner at Squires Sanders
I highly recommend Adrian Dayton’s new book. It is an easy, fast read. Attorneys would “get it” immediately. Twitter can be fun, but more importantly, it can be a way to create opportunity. Dayton gives you the tool of Twitter to be a social media rainmaker.
-Rosalie Kramm
Adrian Dayton’s book, “Social Media for Lawyers: Twitter Edition,” is a useful, practical guide lawyers who want to get the most from Twitter. Whether you are an avid Twitter user like myself, or a newbie or even just curious, you’ll get something useful out of this book. And don’t let the “lawyer” in the title trick you into thinking the book is long winded and boring. On the contrary, Mr. Dayton writes in a fluid, conversational style, making it a quick and easy read.
-Gwynne Monahan
There is no doubting that Twitter is becoming increasingly popular especially amongst leading AmLaw 100 firms, for some it has become a key component of their social media, marketing, and business development strategies and is now being used extensively by forward-thinking firms and lawyers to make contacts, share information, acquire new clients, communicate with colleagues and publicize their expertise.
Initially dismissed by many as a pointless fad, there is growing body of success stories from individuals and firms who have had great success from using Twitter to promote themselves or their services.
Managing Partner Magazine’s new report – Social Media for Lawyers: Twitter Edition – will show you exactly how to implement Twitter, how it can work for your law firm and how it can quickly become an essential business development tool.
The report exposes the myths and guides you to a position where you are regularly bringing in new business to your firm from this thriving and influential community, including CEOs and general counsel of major corporations.
Practical advice and proven examples are provided of how to establish trusted relationships and gain new clients with a relatively small amount of effort and, crucially, no initial cost.
Social Media for Lawyers: Twitter Edition is a concise guide that will help you:
- Overcome objections to using Twitter within your firm
- Engage quickly without looking like a rookie
- Create a Twitter profile that will hook clients in the blink of an eye
- Quickly build a network of relevant contacts and influential people
- Understand the tools/techniques (and the jargon surrounding them) that make Twitter a more powerful networking and business tool than any other social media
- Find prospective clients on Twitter and offer your services to them before your competitors
- Use Twitter to support other marketing activities
- Capture genuine, qualified leads
- Keep out of trouble and behave ethically
About the Author:
Adrian Dayton is recognized as a leading expert in exploiting social media for business development within law firms. As a licensed attorney and consultant, he works extensively with Law Firms and large corporations to plan, implement, and refine social media strategies.
His blogs have been featured in the Wall Street Journal, the ABA Journal, and on Since creating his Twitter account:
– He has gained over 40,000 followers
– Has been ranked in the top 50 most popular Twitter accounts worldwide
– Has ranked as high as number 1 in the state of New York ahead of CNN, Fox News, and Anderson Cooper.
Adrian Dayton’s concise guide even goes a step further to help you turn your existing website into a successful mechanism for capturing new prospects and initiating a conversation that will result in more business for your firm.
Social Media for Lawyers: Twitter Edition focuses entirely on how you will bring new clients to your firm by engaging with an already waiting community of people looking for your services.
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