Is social media in fact anti-social?
Here is a conversation that I overheard from an acquaintance:
“I have so many friends on facebook that I would never talk to in real life.”
“Yeah, yesterday I was at the Mall and I saw one of my facebook friends, and I purposefully avoided eye contact because I didn’t want to have a forced conversation with him.”
What is the point of social media if it doesn’t translate into real offline connectivity with other people?
I know what your going to say, that social media enhances our existing relationships through sharing pictures, coordinating activities, sharing information, and etc. I think that might be overstated.
My point is that the most important relationships we have in this life require time, sacrifice, and dedication. Our relationships with parents, children, spouses, or other loved ones won’t grow and flourish if we only maintain them through facebook hugs, and twitter nudges. We must be comitted to putting these relationships first, or we will be left feeling utterly alone even while virtually surrounded with hundreds of friendster, followers, and readers.
At the end of a hard day at work, after our son has gone to bed, there is nothing as valuable to me as the quiet time my wife and I spend together talking. I close my laptop, turn off the t.v., turn down the music, and we just enjoy eachother’s company. Its my favorite part of the day, and that is something I really digg.
When is social media at its best/worst?
After writing the post I found some other great articles on the subject