This is my first twitter training video. This is for the skeptics, for people that don’t understand Twitter and don’t see the value in it. If you like it, please pass it along to those not yet sold on the power of Twitter.
congratualtions on your new website. I follow you on TW. I watched your video above, but it looked like more of an introduction. Did you do one that actually shows people how to get started. I am giving a smeinar on how small business can use social media next month. I am looking in the twitterverse for good examples. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for your comment, my 6 one minute training videos will be out in the next week or two. This is just the first series, and this video was meant to introduce them.
3 Comments. Leave new
Hey Adrian:
congratualtions on your new website. I follow you on TW. I watched your video above, but it looked like more of an introduction. Did you do one that actually shows people how to get started. I am giving a smeinar on how small business can use social media next month. I am looking in the twitterverse for good examples. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for your comment, my 6 one minute training videos will be out in the next week or two. This is just the first series, and this video was meant to introduce them.
Adrian @adriandayton