Please spread the word about tonight’s tweet-up in San Diego. All attorneys and law types are invited. There have been many questions about whether non-law people are invited, and of course everyone is invited, but I think the prizes will appeal more to attorneys and those working in the legal profession.
When: Tonight, September 11th, at 5:30 PM
Where: The Embassy Suites Hotel Bar on the first floor
Why: Hanging out is way more fun than “conferencing”
Who: Anybody and everybody, but especially law types.
Some awesome prizes that will be given out:
Hot off the presses, I will be giving away a free signed copy of Social Media for Lawyers: Twitter Edition. There will also be additional copies available for purchase.
Total Attorneys: Get-A-Life Conf DVD’s, and free t-shirts to the first 20 attendees.
Rainmaker Institute: Giving away a free 3 set DVD on How to Become a
Rainmaker .
Abacus Law: Giving away a free copy of their new book.
Hope you can make it! DM me or shoot me an @reply if you have any questions.