Is Twitter a marketing tool, a social network, a news feed, or a research tool? I know my blog focuses on the power of Twitter for helping to develop business, but the bottom line is- Twitter has myriad powerful uses, and most of them haven’t even been comprehended yet.
One that is slowly gaining acceptance is the use of Twitter as a tool to research jury reaction, and due diligence in preparation for trial.
To help us understand how this works, especially for smaller practices we will have on Tomorrow’s call Senior Social Media Consultant with Decision Question Christine Martin. Feel free to shoot any questions you would like her or myself to answer to For the last 5-10 minutes I will be available to answer questions pertaining to any other social media topics people have.
1. Please email me with your specific questions pertaining to social media, and I WILL answer them on the call.
2. The biggest complaint I have received from the call is that people want more opportunities to get to know other individuals also on the call, so please leave as a COMMENT to this post your:
a. Name
b. Area of law you practice/ or business you are in.
c. Twitter Id
So mine would look like this:
Adrian Dayton, esq
Professional Twitter Guy
This way people on the call can get to know each other. If you don’t want to add your info, feel free to lurk anonymously on the calls. 🙂 Look forward to having you on the call!
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