Here are six of the top social media stories being shared over the Internet this week. Enjoy!
Buffer: Can it Improve My Use of Twitter? from the Real Lawyers Have Blogs Blog by Kevin O’Keefe. Buffer is an app that allows you to schedule your tweets throughout the day. This gives your followers some “breathing room” between tweets so you don’t “overload” them with information. A great read for those of you who tweet on a regular basis!
The Newly Solo Attorney: Using LinkedIn Groups to Stay Informed from The Sociable Lawyer Blog by Matthew Hickey. This is a great article for every type of lawyer, not just solo. Matthew talks about how he uses LinkedIn Groups to discuss relevant issues relevant to his practice area, and why he likes groups more than more traditional means of news distribution.
RSS Readers
Lawyers to soon have ethical obligation to use RSS reader? from the Real Lawyers Have Blogs blog by Kevin O’Keefe. Kevin discusses how 15 to 20 percent of Americans now use RSS readers to receive customized information and news, and how lawyers might soon have an ethical obligation to use them to stay up to date.
Google +
Law Firm Marketing: Why Attorneys Should Care about Google+ from The Rainmaker Blog by Stephen Fairley. Google+ is one of the newest social networking platforms created by search giant Google. Stephen thinks you should definitely consider using it for one single reason – search engine optimization. A great read for those interested in dabbling in Google+.
Make Any Blogging Style Work for You from the Soshable Blog by Jessica Sanders. Over 70% of the AmLaw 100 law firms blog and with so many bloggers, there are literally dozens of blogging styles being used. Check out Jessica’s post for information on Link Blogging, Goal Blogging and my personal favorite, Insight Blogging.
Blog Commenting
19 Ways to Build Relationships with Blog Comments from the Social Media Examiner Blog by Marcus Sheridan. Do you spend a lot of time reading other blogs? Do you leave comments? This article is a must-read for those interested in fostering and cultivating relationships via blog commenting.
2 Comments. Leave new
Hi Adrian! This is Matthew from The Sociable Lawyer. I just wanted to thank you for including our post in your roundup. We really love your site and I was really excited to see it here. Thanks!
Glad to hear it! Not sure why this comment didn’t come through until now, but I appreciate it!