“I just don’t want to be that guy.”
We have all seen him. He posts all day, every day. Anytime you jump on to Facebook, Linkedin, or Twitter you see his smiling face and another new post. Usually, they aren’t very interesting, sometimes they seem contrived, and sometimes they border on TMI (too much information). Ok, your version may just as likely be a woman that posts too much, but we all have them in our networks.
This is one of the big concerns many professionals have when it comes to sharing updates on Linkedin or Twitter. They don’t want to be the infamous “over-sharer.”
Here are three things to remember that will help keep you from becoming “that guy.”
1. If you post three times a day, most of the people in your network will only see one or two of these posts at most. Remember, the feeds on Linkedin and Twitter are like rivers, the content is always streaming by. You only see the new posts when you log on and take a look. Over-sharers are often posting 15-20 times each day.
2. Share the best content you find. If it was interesting or useful to you, it will likely meet that seem to need of others in your network. Be a collector of quality content and you will never be accused of over-sharing, no matter how often you post.
3. Don’t use over-sharers as an excuse to never post. Many times the lawyers that bring up this argument have never posted a single update. If you never share or share once or twice a week, you will likely be ignored by your network. If you post once a day, you may at the very least give the impression that you are an active social media user that is connected to what is happening in the world. So start sharing.
To those of you who are experts in your field, start sharing content that shows how well you can identify relevant information. If you can find great information to share on a regular basis, nobody will accuse you of sharing too much. Well, maybe just your competitors.