So which social media sites are worthwhile, and which are a waste of time? Last Friday we had a great discussion where I was joined by a number of successful professionals who are using social media to bring in clients on a regular basis through social media. Click on the play button above to listen to the call, and CLICK HERE to find the contact information of the other individuals on the call.

So which social media sites are worthwhile, and which are a waste of time? Last Friday we had a great discussion where I was joined by a number of successful professionals who are using social media to bring in clients on a regular basis through social media. Click on the play button above to listen to the call, and CLICK HERE to find the contact information of the other individuals on the call.
THIS FRIDAY: Twitter Etiquette
So what is the RIGHT way to tweet? How do you avoid coming across as self promoting? How can you keep from annoying your followers? Most of us have three goals on Twitter. 1. Build relationships. 2. Generate traffic to our blog or website and 3. Become known as a resource for great content. In this call we will answer these questions, and any questions that individuals might have. Please email your questions to info@adriandayton if you would like them included.
Join the conversation! We would love to have you join us on our call this coming Friday at 10:00 AM EST entitled, “Twitter Etiquette: Play Nice, Make Money”.
Click HERE to sign up for the next call.
4 Comments. Leave new
Adrian, I am extremely excited to be a guest on your show this Friday. This is going to be a blast.